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Jan 8, 2022
Record of identification data
Electoral inscription
Suffrage's right


The present article pretends to give an overview about the importance of the inscription in a electoral register, as a basic assumption of the political-electoral participation. According to this, we analyse how the record of identification data of the citizens in full capacity to practice suffrage´s right in electoral registers, is indispensable for political participation in election processes. We studied the reality of Latin America, region characterized in the last years by the celebration of a large number of electoral processes and where has been produced significant advances in electoral registration. To finalize, there will be an approach to the role of the electoral registry in the actuality of the political participation in Cuba, with the purpose to supply some considerations about it, considering the underdevelopment of this institution and taking as a premise some deficiences in legal regulation.

Raudiel F. Peña Barrios
How to Cite
(2022). The inscription in electoral register as assumption of political and electoral participation : A view from the latin american and cuban reality. Revista De Estudios Políticos Y Estratégicos, 2(1), 50–65. Retrieved from


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