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Jan 8, 2022
Agri-food industry
CYTED program


This paper is the result of the discussions and readings regarding the realities of three Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile), within the framework of the Component “Agri-food Prospective” from the thematic network “Creación y consolidación de la Confederación Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Redes de Prospectiva” (Creation and consolidation of the Latin-American and Caribbean Confederation Prospective Network – CYTED Program). The first challenge of this joint work is to make visible the prospective applied to the strategic field of agri-food in countries with structural heterogeneities; and the second challenge is to boost and contribute to the construction of the Latin-American prospective, with its own regional identity. Therefore, the challenge is to address the question: What is the role that Latin-America has had and will have in the prospective? And, what specific contributions can it offer? This paper is preliminary and introductory in order to place the prospective approach to the agricultural and food issues in the region. The discussion is open, with the aim of guiding the decisions that have to be made in the present and mobilizing joint actions to build up the expected future.

Tatiana Lena Aguilar Torrico
Silvina Papagno
Roberto Mariano
Javier Vitale
Paola Aceituno
How to Cite
, , , , & . (2022). Towards a Latin American prospective: an approach from agricultural and food industries. Revista De Estudios Políticos Y Estratégicos, 6(1), 184–192. Retrieved from


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