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Jan 8, 2022
Mayflower Compact


In On Revolution, Hannah Arendt examines the Mayflower Compact. Our inquiry seeks to prove that the Mayflower Compact is for Arendt an historically situated, exemplary case of plural power and of action in concert. The Mayflower is a Puritan Agreement that provides an historical anchor for her theorical justification of the political value of the promises made and fulfilled by free and equal men. We seek to prove that for Arendt promises, covenants and agreements are the key concepts to understand the event of foundation and the legitimacy of the political bodies. We shall assert that the covenant allowed the Pilgrims to evade the theorical perplexities of the enlightened and revolutionary minds of the XVIII century, i. e., how to elude the vicious circle of constituent power and instituted power.

Elisa Goyenechea
How to Cite
(2022). Hannah Arendt and the Mayflower Compact as exemplary case. Revista De Estudios Políticos Y Estratégicos, 5(1), 30–53. Retrieved from


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