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Jan 8, 2022
Child abuse
Employee turnover


Child sexual abuse is dealt with by the Servicio Nacional de Menores (the Chilean national service for minors, SENAME) through the Programa de Protección Especializada y Abuso Sexual (the specialized program on child protection against sexual abuse, PRM) and the Organismos Colaboradores Acreditados (OCAs, the collaborating organizations). The objective of this research is to analyze how the management of human resources at the PRM is handled by the OCAs at SENAME in the Bio Bio Region during 2014-2015. It is a descriptive and qualitative research using interviews to key people and document analysis. The results show that there is a high personnel turnover due to low wages, territorial variables and little self-care. It also shows the effects of the execution of the article 80 bis of Law 19.968 law and the fact that there is scarce regulation of Personnel Management by SENAME. We suggest it is necessary to improve the coordination between family courts and SENAME with respect to the article and develop quarterly agreements to widen the legal authority regarding job stability and the training in personnel management.

Jaime Andrés Contreras Álvarez
Constanza Andrea Muñoz Contreras
How to Cite
, & . (2022). Analysis of the program of specialized protection against child abuse at sename in bio bio region: a human resource perspective. Revista De Estudios Políticos Y Estratégicos, 5(1), 12–28. Retrieved from


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