New feminist wave? Gender agendas, repertoires of contention and women's collectives (Argentina, 2015-2018)
Ana Natalucci, Julieta Rey
Autonomic leadership in the Valparaiso citizen movement
Nicolás Contreras Tablo, Pablo Navarro Almarza, Camila Pastén Cruz, Janinne Sáez Soto, Guillermo Rivera Aguilera
Analysis of Bureaucratic-Authoritarian State theory
Upon the comparison of the cases of Brazil and Chile in the debate about the prospect for a commonplace of development
Gastón Passi Livacic, José Carlos Martines Belieiro Jr.
How much do the councils influence? A review of the inclusion of social organizations In the public policy
Mario David Inzunza Canales
Peralta Díaz3 Productive performance and sectoral utilization of the digital technologies in Mexican economy
Mario Alejandro Arellano Morales
The Determinants of electoral performance of lesser known candidates for low information elections
the case of the election of councilors in Chile in 2008
Richard Gálvez, Patricio Navia