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Jan 8, 2022
Political Legislative activity


This paper explores and seeks to find a mathematical language to describe the legislative process in Chilean Parliament. This paper presents a method of analysis of bills and some of the reflections that led us to it,  an ideas proposal that support the concept of political activity, a simple formula to express how strong is that bill in terms of political actors participation, defining it as variables executive, legislative, civic, institutional, and a glimpse of what could be the importance of the time factor, not as a period of months or years for the entire process of a bill,  but rather as the interim between one milestone to another. That time and the political-legislative activity at that milestone, we postulate, may approach us to a new concept of efficiency.

Felipe Durán Martínez
How to Cite
(2022). Analysis of draft laws in chilean parliament: a proposal for political activity measure. Revista De Estudios Políticos Y Estratégicos, 2(2), 66–85. Retrieved from


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